Welcome to #DigPINS!
Make your digital pedagogy faculty development stick with #DigPINS.
DigPINS is
#DigPINS is an online, cohort based, faculty development experience that focuses on Digital Pedagogy, Identity, Networks, and Scholarship. The curriculum has been created for a completely online format and uses open resources to give faculty a place to explore and articulate digital identity and participatory online learning experiences.
Most faculty development technology trainings take one of two forms. Often they are either a “click here” workshop based on a specific technological tool or a demonstration of how a technology is used with a specific pedagogical approach. Both of these models have merit in specific contexts, however, they both also have limitations. Tool based workshops can be quite prescriptive if you are still trying to decide on the right approach and not all pedagogical approaches fit every instructor or discipline. Rather than focusing on the tool or the method, DigPINS focuses on the person and the human experience of using technology in community. Using both open and closed environments DigPINS also models what online teaching can look like in a variety of different approaches.
#DigPINS is strongly inspired by University of Mary Washington’s Domain of One’s Own Project, their faculty training initiative, and the Community of Inquiry model.
#DigPINS is now openly licensed for adoption and adaptation in other college and university environments by faculty development professionals, instructional designers, librarians, and others looking to create a significant learning experience for faculty and academic staff. This site is a template of the curriculum that will need to be customized for deployment at your institution. Here you will also find examples of customized deployments at other colleges.
The curriculum focuses on guiding faculty and academic staff towards building and shaping a digital identity while asking questions about how one’s own digital identity informs our use technology within our teaching and scholarship. Participants in #DigPINS work in both public and private channels. Private channels provide a platform for community within the institution while the public interactions creates a larger inter-institutional platform. One of our more active public spaces is Twitter with the hashtag #DigPINS.
Use our Contact Us page to reach out to past facilitators. Keep in mind that past facilitators are not providing professional consultation at this time but are happy to collaborate in a spirit of community. If you have more questions check out our FAQ page.
DigPINS has been implemented at the following institutions: